Jun 05

Do you enjoy burning wood in your fireplace or stove but are unsure what to do with the ash? Here are some tips on how to use wood ash effectively from EasyFlame.

Fertilizer for Plants

Wood ash can be a valuable addition to your garden. It contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Unlike commercial mineral fertilizers, wood ash is environmentally friendly.

You can use wood ash to fertilize small fruits, vegetables, onions, and ornamental plants. It is also beneficial for your lawn. Sprinkle ash over the lawn before it rains, and you’ll notice it becoming greener and more lush. However, avoid using ash on plants that prefer acidic soil, like heathers, azaleas, or blueberries, due to its high pH. It’s important to note that only wood ash should be used, as coal and briquette ash often contain binders that are harmful to plants. Experts recommend using 0.5 to 2 kg of ash per 10 m² of area.

If you have a compost pile, you can add ash to it. Another option is to mix ash into the water you use for watering your garden.

De-icer for Icy Sidewalks

When icy conditions hit, try using ash instead of salt on sidewalks. It will reduce slipping and is gentler on the environment and your pets’ paws.

Cleaner for Delicate Surfaces

Ash isn’t just useful in the garden. It can also be used to clean fireplace glass, silverware, whiteboards, and glass surfaces. It’s perfect for cleaning areas where abrasive materials might cause damage. Simply dampen a cloth, dip it in ash, and start cleaning. Just ensure there are no hard wood particles in the ash.

Grease Remover

Ash can help with grease stains, especially those from mechanical oil. If you have oil stains in your garage or on your driveway, sprinkle ash over the stains. The ash will absorb the grease, and you can sweep it up the next day.

Odor Absorber

Ash is also effective at absorbing odors and moisture. Try this tip: put ash in a bowl and place it in a musty room or near windows that tend to fog up. You’ll notice a difference.

Important Tip

Always ensure the ash is completely cool before handling it.

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